

  1. A. Lancho, A. Weiss, G.C.F. Lee, T. Jayashankar, B. Kurien, Y. Polyanskiy, G.W. Wornell, “RF Challenge: The Data-Driven Radio Frequency Signal Separation Challenge,” Sep. 2024. (submitted to the IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society) [arXiv]

Lecture Notes

  1. G. Durisi and A. Lancho, Transmitting short packets over wireless channels--an information-theoretic perspective, Nov. 2020.

Journal Papers

  1. A.O. Kislal, A. Lancho, G. Durisi, and E. Strom, “Efficient evaluation of the error probability for pilot-assisted URLLC with Massive MIMO,” IEEE Journal Sel. Areas Commun., May 2023. [arXiv] [IEEExplore]

  2. A. Lancho, G. Durisi, and L. Sanguinetti, “Cell-free Massive MIMO for URLLC: A finite-blocklength analysis,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Apr. 2023. [arXiv] [IEEExplore] [YouTube]

  3. K.-H. Ngo, A. Lancho, G. Durisi, and A. Graell i Amat, “Unsourced multiple access with random user activity,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, Feb. 2023. [arXiv] [IEEExplore] [Matlab code]

  4. J. Ostman, A. Lancho, G. Durisi, and L. Sanguinetti, “URLLC with Massive MIMO: Analysis and design at finite blocklength,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Apr. 2021. [arXiv] [IEEExplore] [Matlab code]

  5. A. Lancho, J. Ostman, G. Durisi, T. Koch, and G. Vazquez-Vilar, “Saddlepoint Approximations for Short-Packet Wireless Communications,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Jul. 2020. [IEEExplore] [arXiv] [e-Archivo]

  6. A. Lancho, T. Koch, and G. Durisi, “On single-antenna Rayleigh block-fading channels at finite blocklength,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, Jan. 2020. [IEEExplore] [arXiv] [e-Archivo]

  7. V. P. Gil Jiménez, A. Lancho Serrano, B. Genovés Guzmán and A. García Armada, “Learning mobile communications standards through flexible software defined radio base stations,” IEEE Communications Magazine, May 2017. [IEEExplore] [e-Archivo]

  8. B. Genovés Guzmán, A. Lancho Serrano and V. P. Gil Jiménez, “Cooperative optical wireless transmission for improving performance in indoor scenarios for visible light communications,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Nov 2015. [IEEExplore] [e-Archivo]

Conference Papers

  1. T. Jayashankar, B. Kurien, A. Lancho, G.C.F. Lee, Y. Polyanskiy, A. Weiss, G.W. Wornell, “The Data-Driven Radio Frequency Signal Separation Challenge,” IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Process.</em> (ICASSP), Seoul, Republic of Korea, Apr. 2024. [IEEExplore] [Open Access] [Website] [GitHub]

  2. T. Jayashankar, G.C.F. Lee, A. Lancho, A. Weiss, Y. Polyanskiy, G.W. Wornell, “Score-based Source Separation with Applications to Digital Communication Signals,” in Proc. Conf. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), New Orleans, LA, U.S.A., Dec. 2023. [arXiv] [OpenReview] [Website] [GitHub]

  3. A. Fengler, A. Lancho, Y. Polyanskiy, “Coded Orthogonal Modulation for the Multi-Antenna Multiple-Access Channel,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Topics Coding (ISTC), Brest, France, Sep. 2023. [IEEExplore] [arXiv]

  4. A. Weiss, A. Lancho, G.C.F. Lee, “Estimation, Filtering and Decoding via Deep Learning,” Tutorial at EUSIPCO 2023, Helsinki, Finland, Sep. 2023. [Slides][Cheat Sheet][Kaggle][Github]

  5. A. Fengler, A. Lancho, K. Narayanan, Y. Polyanskiy, “On the Advantages of Asynchrony in the Unsourced MAC,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT), Taipei, Taiwan, Jun. 2023. [IEEExplore] [arXiv]

  6. A. Weiss, A. Lancho, Y. Bu, G.W. Wornell, “A Bilateral Bound on the Mean-Square Error for Estimation in Model Mismatch,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT), Taipei, Taiwan, Jun. 2023. [IEEExplore] [arXiv]

  7. G.C.F. Lee, A. Weiss, A. Lancho, Y. Polyanskiy, G.W. Wornell, “On neural architectures for deep learning-based source separation of co-channel OFDM signals,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Process. (ICASSP), Rhodes Island, Greece, Jun. 2023. [IEEExplore] [arXiv] [Python code]

  8. A. Lancho, A. Weiss, G.C.F. Lee, J. Tang, Y. Bu, Y. Polyanskiy and G.W. Wornell, “Data-driven blind synchronization and interference rejection for digital communication signals,” in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Dec. 2022. [IEEExplore] [arXiv] [Python code]

  9. A.O. Kislal, A. Lancho, G. Durisi and E.G. Ström, “Efficient evaluation of the error probability for pilot-assisted finite-blocklength transmission,” in Proc. Asilomar Conf. Signals, Syst., Comput., Pacific Grove CA, U.S.A., Nov. 2022. [IEEExplore]

  10. A. Lancho, A. Fengler and Y. Polyanskiy, “Finite-blocklength results for the A-channel: applications to unsourced random access and group testing,” in Proc. 58th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Champaign, IL, Sep. 27-30, 2022. [IEEExplore] [arXiv]

  11. G.C.F. Lee, A. Weiss, A. Lancho, J. Tang, Y. Bu, Y. Polyanskiy and G.W. Wornell, “Exploiting temporal structures of cyclostationary signals for data-driven single-channel source separation,” in Proc. IEEE International Workshop for Machine Learning and Signal Processing (MLSP), Xi'an, China, Aug. 2022. [IEEExplore] [arXiv] [Python code] (Best student paper award)

  12. G. Tsaloli, A. Lancho, K. Mitrokotsa, and G. Durisi, “Verifiable, Secure and energy-efficient private data aggregation in wireless sensor networks,” in Proc. 27th ACM on Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT '22), New York, NY, USA, Jun. 2022. [ACM open-access]

  13. A. Lancho, J. Östman and G. Durisi, “On joint detection and decoding in short-packet communications,” in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Madrid, Spain, Dec. 2021. [IEEExplore] [arXiv] [Matlab code] [YouTube]

  14. A. Lancho, G. Durisi, and L. Sanguinetti, “Cell free Massive MIMO with short packets,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Signal Process. Adv. and Wireless Commun. (SPAWC), Lucca, Italy, Sep. 2021. [IEEExplore] [arXiv] [YouTube]

  15. K.-H. Ngo, A. Lancho, G. Durisi, and A. Graell i Amat, “Massive Uncoordinated access with random user activity,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT), Melbourne, Australia, Jul. 2021. [IEEExplore] [arXiv]

  16. A. Lancho, J. Östman, G. Durisi, and L. Sanguinetti, “A finite-blocklength analysis for URLLC with Massive MIMO,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Commun. (ICC), Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2021. [IEEExplore]

  17. A. Lancho, J. Östman, T. Koch and G. Vazquez-Vilar, “Finite-Blocklength approximations for noncoherent Rayleigh block-fading channels,” in Proc. Asilomar Conf. Signals, Syst., Comput., Pacific Grove CA, U.S.A., Nov. 2019. [IEEExplore] [e-Archivo]

  18. J. Östman, A. Lancho, and G. Durisi, “Short-packet transmission over a bidirectional massive MIMO link,” in Proc. Asilomar Conf. Signals, Syst., Comput., Pacific Grove CA, U.S.A., Nov. 2019. [arXiv] [IEEExplore]

  19. A. Lancho, J. Östman, G. Durisi, T. Koch, and G. Vazquez-Vilar, “Saddlepoint approximations for noncoherent single-antenna Rayleigh block-fading channels,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT), Paris, France, Jul. 2019. [IEEExplore] [e-Archivo]

  20. G. Vazquez-Vilar, A. Guillén i Fàbregas, T. Koch and A. Lancho, “Saddlepoint approximation of the error probability of binary hypothesis testing,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT), Vail, USA, Jun. 2018. [IEEExplore] [e-Archivo]

  21. A. Lancho, T. Koch, and G. Durisi, “Normal approximation for fading channels,” in Proc. Conf. Infor. Sci. and Syst. (CISS), Princeton, NJ, USA, Mar. 2018, invited paper. [IEEExplore] [e-Archivo]

  22. J. Font-Segura, G. Vazquez-Vilar, A. Martinez, A. Guillén i Fàbregas and A. Lancho, “Saddlepoint Approximations of Lower and Upper Bounds to the Error Probability in Channel Coding,” in Proc. Conf. Infor. Sci. and Syst. (CISS), Princeton, NJ, USA, Mar. 2018, invited paper. [IEEExplore] [e-Archivo]

  23. A. Lancho, T. Koch, and G. Durisi, “A high-SNR normal approximation for single-antenna Rayleigh block-fading channels,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT), Aachen, Germany, Jun. 2017. [IEEExplore] [e-Archivo]  Finalist student best paper award

PhD Thesis

  1. A. Lancho, “Fundamental limits of short-packet wireless communications,” PhD. Dissertation, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Jun. 2019. [pdf]